Bobby relaxes and reads the Saturday, April 30, 2011 New York Times as he gives Violet a much needed break!
Although Bobby provides food for Violet while she is one the nest, she does need to have a little "personal" time for herself to stretch her wings and her cramped legs ... and perhaps to even do a little hunting for herself!
Although Bobby provides food for Violet while she is one the nest, she does need to have a little "personal" time for herself to stretch her wings and her cramped legs ... and perhaps to even do a little hunting for herself!
****When I first painted Bobby's snazzy sunglasses, I was afraid of making the tint of the lenses too dark, as I didn't want to detract from his gorgeous eyes! However, it was brought to my attention, by a very observent Chat Room member that Bobby shouldn't need reading glasses, he has "hawk eyes." A brilliantly astute point, Jeff, thank you! So, I have darkened the lenses, making them more obvious "shades" needed to cut the sun's glare on the New York Times!****
Violet uses her New York University, Class of 2011 umbrella to protect herself and her clutch of eggs from the spring thunder storms in Manhattan.
**** To My Very Dear Friends, "Live From the Nest" Chat Room Co-Conspirators and Fellow Pipaholics,
Please, don't ever hesitate to let me know when you spot something amiss or questionable in one of my paintings! You are my test subjects for this book, you know -- after all, y'all put me up to it, so your comments as well as your critiques are always welcomed and appreciated!
The pix of Bobby on the nest is worth the price of a book alone. Vi's is worth the price of another book.