Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Clutch has Appeared

Had to change "The Clutch" as the empty nest just didn't represent the way we actually viewed it! No, we witnessed all the evidence of Bobby's Interior Decorating - From the Easter grass, to the brown towel, to the plastic to the french fry box! ... And, of course, the nest just wouldn't be complete without Momma Violet standing guard over her eggs! "Now, where is Bobby," she thinks. "I really do need to take a break and rest this sore foot of mine. Laying on the eggs just makes it hurt even more!"

The clutch of eggs appeared in the nest in early spring. The estimated lay date is April 1-4, 2011.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Paintings within a Painting

These two paintings appear in the completed painting of President Sexton in his office. Some of you asked what they were, so here they are so you can see the details. Hope you enjoy them!

"Geisha Spring" copyright: Poiema Creations 6/2011

"Guardian at the Gate" copyright: Poiema Creations 6/2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

President Sexton spies the Hawks!

All artwork is copyright: Poiema Creations

This is my illustration of President John Sexton. I painted every tiny detail in this painting! His first sighting of the RTs building their nest outside his office!

**IMAGE UPDATED- This image has been updated to reflect the seasonal changes over the period of time the nest was being built. I forgot to take that into account. Oops, My Bad!!!